Articles on: General Knowledge

SKUs (Stock Keeping Units)

SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) are unique alphanumeric codes the store retailers generate and assign to their products. They are used by stores, marketplaces, warehouses, and product fulfillment centers to track inventory levels.

SKUs allow retailers to:
Track the number of available products.
Measure sales by product and category, and analyze to determine product popularity.
Enhance customer's shopping experiences with seasonal and cyclic sales trends.

SKUs Format and Limits in Sellbery

You can use the digits (0-9) and letters (A-Z, a-z), separated by hyphens (-).

Sellbery has 32 characters limit for the SKUs.

Don't use the same SKUs for the Parent products and their variations.

We recommend you use the unique SKUs for the products and each of their variations.
For example, a product parent's SKU is ABC, and its variations have the same SKUs (ABC). Therefore, it will take time to understand what product (variation) you sold and which one is the best or worst selling.

Creat SKUs

For example, a store sells t-shirts. Therefore, you need internal SKUs that show a product’s details, such as color, size, and material.
Product type: T-Shirt (TSH)
Color: Black (BK), White (WH)
Size: Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L)
Material: Cotton (COT)
Sequential number for each item: starts from 1 (not required)

Let's create the abbreviation for each criterion with a hyphen to separate them:
TSH-BK-S-COT-1 - T-shirt, Black color, Small size, Cotton material, 1 - number among the same similar T-shirts in inventory.
TSH-BK-S-COT-2 - T-shirt, Black color...
TSH-BK-M-COT-1 - T-shirt, Black color, Medium size, Cotton material, 1 - number among the same similar T-shirts in inventory.
TSH-WH-M-COT-1 - T-shirt, White color, Medium size, Cotton material, 1 - number among the same similar T-shirts in inventory.

Add SKUs to Sellbery

Simple product
Go to Sellbery products > Simple product
In General tab add a SKU in the Identifiers section.

Product with Variations
Go to Sellbery products > Product with Variations
In General tab add a Parent SKU in the Identifiers section.
In Variations tab add the SKUs in the SKU column.

Autogenerate SKUs in Sellbery

If your products don't have SKUs, you can autogenerate them in Sellbery.

Please pay attention that SKUs Autogeneration will overwrite the existing SKUs.

Step 1.
Download and import products to Sellbery Products.

Step 2.
Go to Sellbery products.

Step 3.
Use the checkboxes to select each product you want to autogenerate SKUs and click the "SKU Generator" button.

Step 4.
Enter an SKU prefix for the new value in a text field (start typing) and click "Add item" under the text field.

Or select an existing SKU prefix you used before. The sequential number will be "the last number + 1".

Step 5
Click Apply. The new SKUs will be added to the products.

Generate SKUs for Variations

You can also generate SKUs for variations in the Variations tab by repeating steps 3-5.

Updated on: 20/01/2023

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