Articles on: Getting Started

Start Using Sellbery Step-by-Step

Step 1. Connect your channels to Sellbery

Click on Add Channel button under Products on the Dashboard to add a new channel to Sellbery.

Learn more about Sales Channels

Choose the necessary channel and click Connect.

Connecting Amazon to Sellbery
Connecting Ebay to Sellbery
Connecting Etsy to Sellbery
Connecting Shopify to Sellbery
Connecting WooCommerce to Sellbery

Step 2. Download your products to Sellbery

After the sales channel has been connected, your products starts downloading to Sellbery automatically.
You can see the list of downloaded products under the Products tab of the corresponding Export Service. The main information about the product is visible in the table, such as product title, SKU, quantity, status of the product in Export Service, category to which the product belongs, description and some other parameters.

Note that the list has a horizontal scroll that can be used to see additional columns with the product information.

There are a lot of important actions that can be done with the products on this page:

View Active (Published), Draft, and Pending products in separate tabs
Filter Active products by Type, Category, Product link or Attribute
Sort products by every attribute option available in the table
Import products to Sellbery
Start creation of products in Sellbery Service
Link imported products to existing Sellbery Products
Apply category or shortcut to each product individually or multiple products at once
Pull products from the external channel (re-import the same items to update the information)
Duplicate and delete products from the Export Service on Sellbery
Upload products to the external channel

Step 3. Create Sellbery products

After the products have been downloaded you need to create their copies on Sellbery, because you cannot modify the original items directly.

There are 2 ways to add products to Sellbery:
Link to existing Sellbery product
Learn more about Linking Products with Variations

Import to Sellbery
The Import button becomes active as soon as all products have been downloaded. Click this button to import products to Sellbery Service.

This action creates the internal copies of your products that can be modified on Sellbery without affecting the original live listings. So, if you want to adjust your product or modify some information before exporting this item to a marketplace, you can do that safely with this internal Sellbery Product. This product is linked to the original downloaded item, so any changes you make in the settings of Sellbery Product are immediately applied to the linked product in the Export Service. Note that these changes have no effect on active listings in the External System until the updated products are uploaded there from Sellbery.

Step 4. Edit Import Mapping

The Import Mapping is the process of matching the product attributes of the Sales channel from which the products have been imported to the corresponding product fields on Sellbery.

The Import Mapping rules for all default attributes are created automatically on Sellbery. You cannot change default Mapping rules. However, if you wish to create additional rules for existing or new custom attributes, you can do that following the Import Mapping guide.

Step 5. Modify Product Data in Sellbery Products

Go to Sellbery Service -> Products tab to see the copies of the imported products on Sellbery. This page displays all products that have been imported from all connected channels or created manually. This is the area where you can work with the product data safely, without affecting the existing listings in your live stores or marketplace seller accounts.

On this page, you can modify products before exporting them to other external channels. You can apply different attribute rules, change price, quantity, description, upload new images. You can even create whole new listings here and push them to the external channels afterwards.

Learn more about Product Management in Sellbery Service

Step 6. Upload Products to Sales Channels

After the products have been modified on Sellbery and the changes synced with the linked products in Export Services, you can upload them to the external channels. All you need to do is select some of the products (or all products) and click ‘Upload’. Once the products are exported their status will change, and you may check what the updated listings look like in your store or marketplace.

Updated on: 09/02/2025

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